Friday, February 06, 2009

Not Feel Like Smiling

You may just be feeling
a little bit gray
and not feel like smiling
at all now today,
yet if you muster
a smile ones can see,
that smile that you mustered
might be reality.

So let today blossom
a wonderful scene
that maybe others
may not know what mean.

Yet they might blossom
their own so to say
smiles that will grow on
more day to day.

You may not feel like it
yet give a try
and practice your smiling
in your by and by.

You might just find that
your smiles to and fro
somehow had blossomed
on you and did grow.

©By Bill Pearce

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Morning Poem For You

Richness of Life

You are Rich or Poor in life by....

Smiles around you,
Friends you make,
People you are with,
Ideas you have,
Dreams you chase,
And the Love you Spread.

Have a Great Day!!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Special Morning Poem

Heavenly View

Sunbeams from Heaven
are smiles on a face
textured with sunlight
and given through grace.

Mornings will rise up
and bring into view
the sunbeams from Heaven
so fresh and anew.

Clouds may be forming,
but sunshine will win
if you remember
how sunbeams begin.

It's not the troubles
that take sun away.
It's our own choices
that give up each day.

Sunbeams from Heaven
can surely outshine
all of the troubles
through Jesus Divine,

for all the sunbeams
of Heavenly view
can make the troubles
to fade off from you.

©By Bill Pearce

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Best Morning Messages

Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing
taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes,
and having fun.

Good Morning...

"The person who is always smiling doesn't mean that he has no problems..

But the smile shows that he has ability to overcome all those problems.."

Keep Smiling and Have a lovely day ahead..!!

Monday, February 02, 2009

Start Your Day with Think Positive Thoughts

May You Always Have Positive Thoughts
May every day of your life bring you
fresh hopes for tomorrow – Because hope
gives all of us our reason for trying.

May each new day bring a feeling of
excitement, joy, and a wonderful sense of
expectation. Expect the best, and you’ll get it.

May you find peace in simple things,
because those are the ones that will always
be there.

May you remember the good times and
forget the sorrow and pain, for the good
times will remind you of how special your life
has been.

May you always feel secure and loved, and
know you are the best.
May you experience all the good things in
life – the happiness of realizing your dreams,
the joy of feeling worthwhile, and the
satisfaction of knowing you’ve succeeded.

May you find warmth in others, expressions
of love and kindness, smiles that courage
you, and friends who are loyal and honest.

May you realize the importance of patience
and accept others for what they are. With
understanding and love, you’ll find the good
in every heart.

May you have faith in others and the ability
to be vulnerable. Open your heart and really
share the miracle of love and intimacy.

Above all, may you always have positive thoughts.

- Author Unknown