Friday, January 26, 2007

Lovely Morning Greetings !

Life is a Rope that swings us through Hope.  Always believe, that Today is better than yesterday and tomorrow will be much better than today.


~ Unknown.


To meet and depart is the way of life, but to depart and meet is the Hope of Life. We meet to create memories but we depart to preserve them, that is the LIFE !
~ Unknown.



Good Morning !!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Happy Morning Statements !

The abundant life does not come to those who have had a lot of obstacles removed from their path by others.  It develops from within and is rooted in strong mental and moral fiber.

~ William Mather Lewis.


Whenever you argue with another wiser than yourself in order that others may admire your wisdom, they will discover your ignorance.

~ Saadi.
(c. 1210 - 1290, Persian poet)


Good Morning !!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Some Interesting Morning Messages !

Employment gives health, sobriety, and morals.  Constant employment and well-paid labor produce general prosperity, content, and cheerfulness.

~ Daniel Webster.



As for old age, embrace and love it. It abounds with pleasure if you know how to use it. The gradually declining years are among the sweetest in a man's life, and I maintain that, even when they have reached the extreme limit, they have their pleasure still.

~ Marcus Annaeus Seneca.
(BC 3-65 AD, Roman philosopher, dramatist, statesman)


Good Morning !!!


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Great Morning Sentences !

As soon as we attract enough attention in the world to play a part in it, we are set rolling like a ball which will never again be at rest.

~ Charles Joseph.


The best portion of a good man's life is the little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love.

~ William Wordsworth (1770-1850) English poet.


Good Morning !!!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Enjoy A Blissful Morning !!!

Not the owner of many possessions will you be right to call happy: he more rightly deserves the name of happy who knows how to use the Gods' gifts wisely and to put up with rough poverty, and who fears dishonor more than death.

~ Horace (65-8 BC) Roman Poet.



Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.

~ Henry Ford (1863-1947) American Industrialist.


Good Morning !!!